Meet The Maker

I am Susan, I am closer to 50 than I am 40 but I’m young at heart!

Increasingly as the business becomes more popular, people ask for Rachel, so let me explain. The business name is a fusion of both my mother in laws and mothers names. They have now passed away but both were incredibly creative ladies.

Originally from Fife, I’ve lived in Aberdeenshire since 2000, now living in the wee coastal village of Boddam.

Sewing has been a passion for years. I am a qualified Kilt maker, and I have been known to knit and crochet too, I think my hands just need to be busy.

If you’d like to chat over ideas for memory items, please let me know, there are lots of possibilities to transform those treasured clothing items into lasting keepsakes. Im always open to trying something new so please share your ideas and we can see about making them happen.

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